- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Pedigrees
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Pedigrees AB
- Pedigrees C
- Pedigrees D
- Pedigrees EF
- Pedigrees GH
- Pedigrees KM
- Pedigrees NP
- Pedigrees ST
- Pedigrees VW
- Catalog
- My History
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- Sale List
- Aust 06 04511
- Pedigrees ref. birds
- Pedigrees - 1
- Pedigrees - 2
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog (small)
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
-Phil Squire 1
-Phil Squire 2
-Tim Fawcett 1
-Tim Fawcett 2
-Andrewartha & March
-A & M pedigree 1
-A & M pedigree 2
-Stewart Barber
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Pedigrees
- Pictures
- Catalog
- Pedigrees 1-100
- Pedigrees 101-185
- Pictures
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Selected pedigrees
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog & Info.
- SA03 09435
- SAF85 6762
- Catalog & Info.
- Catalog & Info.
- Warren March
- Warren March
- Lee Abbott
- Lee Abbott
- Dennis Russell
- 2011 catalog
- Hamilton Squeaker1
- Hamilton Squeaker2
- 2010 catalog
- Catalog
- Aust06 4047
- SA05 24121
- SA06 06953
- SA04 04968
- SA08 18232
- SA04 33762
- SA05 00381
- Catalog
- Letter
- Pradella email
- sundries
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Loft for sale
- Aviary for sale
- Sundries for sale
- Hampers for sale
- Nest Boxes for sale
- Drinkers for sale
- Bathurst Winner
- Son of Sire of Bathurst
- Son of Ref A
- Ref C
- Son of Ref A
- SRC Alice Springs
- Farina YBC
- 10,000 Winner
- Sale List
- loft 2
- catalog
- SA94 05138 BCH
- SA90 23493 RCH
- The Houbens
- VHA03 00044
- VHA03 00100
- VHA03 00003
- SA09 01738
- SA08 07080
- SA08 07061
- SA08 07008
- SA08 07006
- SA08 06967
- SA08 06951
- SA08 06948
- SA08 06944
- SA08 06942
- SA08 06941
- SA07 19507
- SA07 19508
- SA07 19544
- SA07 19548
- SA07 19538
- SA06 18941
- SA05 19925
- SA04 22712
- catalog
- Flyer
- Pedigree form
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog 1
- Catalog 2
- Catalog
- Catalog
- About Merv Hatch
- From our archives
- Catalog
- Pedigree 93-3501
- Alice Springs winner
- General info
- Adelaide sale
- Adelaide - Lot 1 to 85
- - Maurice Casaert
- More on Adelaide sale
- Squeaker catalog 08
- Stock birds overview 08
- Stock birds 1 08
- Stock birds 2 08
- Stock birds 3 08
- Stock birds 4 08
- 2009 Squeaker Sale
- Achievements
- 1988 Sale
- Catalog
- SA00 08928 Lot 48
- SA00 08928 Lot 48
- SA01 13526 1st Marla
- SA 16861 Sire of 38A
- SA03 28428 Lot 38
- Huysken Van Riel
- Catalog - Catalog - - Goodger 1952-1953
- Goodger 1956-1957
- Goodger 63-64
- Goodger breed 1968
- Goodger breed 1969
- Goodger breed 1970
- Goodger breed 1971
- Goodger breed 1972
- Goodger breed 1973
- Goodger breed 1974
- Goodger breed 1975
- Goodger breed 1976
- Goodger breed 1977
- Goodger breed 1978
- Goodger breed 1979
- Goodger breed 1980
- Goodger breed 1981
- Goodger Lot 60
- December
- Breeding books
- Pages 1-2
- Lots 1 to 14
- Lots 15 to 29
- Lots 33 to 52
- Lots 79 to 96
- Lots 97 to 122
- Lots 123 to 143
- Lots 144 to 165
- Lots 167 to 179
- Trophy page
- Highlights
- Lots 1 to 14
- Lots 45 to 79
- Lots 80 to 106
- Lots 107 to 134
- Lots 135 to 157
- Lots 157 to 184
- Lots 185 to 212
- Lots 213 to end
- January
- Front page
- Ref birds
- Lot 1 to 46
- Lot 47 to 97
- Lot 98 to 143
- Lot 144 to 191
- Lot 192 to end
- Front page
- Ref birds
- Lot 1 to 69
- Lot 70 to end
- 97 Wagga
- Sale Catalog
- SA95 48166
- Planet Bros
- Catalog - Pryor bloodlines
- Goodgers
- Catalog - Melbourne
- Brisbane
- Ballarat
- Catalog 1
- Catalog 2
- Catalog - Catalog - Catalog - Catalog - Catalog 1
- Catalog 2
- Catalog
- - Catalog 2007 sale
- Ref 1 - 2007 sale
- Ref 2 - 2007 sale
- Catalog 2006 sale
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog
- Catalog