Minutes of the SAHPA Inc. Management Committee Meeting held on the 14th August 2000, 7.30pm at Headquarters, GEPPS CROSS

1. The Chairman declared the meeting open at 7.30pm  - Attendance, Mr. TA Rushton (Chairman), Mr. T Meekins, Mr. P Paterson, Mr. R McIlduff, Mr. K Pridham, Mr. I Durrant and Mr. M Pethick (General Secretary)

2. Apologies – Mrs. Cheryl Myers

3. Special Business - Conciliation meeting:

3.1 Mr. C Moukas – Membership application with Hampstead Club: Mr. Con Moukas met with the SAHPA Inc. Management Committee, with the hope that the SAHPA Committee could assist in conciliation of the matter between himself and the Hampstead Club. Mr. Moukas provided the Committee with an overview of what his concerns were, the current situation and his options. The Committee advised Mr. Moukas of their role and would try to help where possible, in any future conciliation moves from either party. The Chairman advised Mr. Moukas that unfortunately, the Hampstead club had declined to attend the conciliation meeting. Mr. Moukas was informed that due to the current situation, any further actions would rest with himself. Mr. Moukas thanked the SAHPA Inc. Management Committee for their assistance on the matter and for approaching the Hampstead Club for reconsideration of the matter. Mr. Moukas was requested to keep the General Secretary informed on any further developments.

3.2 Hampstead Club – Membership application from Mr. C Moukas: The Hampstead club provided a letter explaining that the invitation from the SAHPA Inc. to attend a conciliation meeting, had been put to a meeting of the Hampstead club, which in turn decided not to send any representatives to the conciliation meeting. The SAHPA Inc. will now defer this matter until such time that any developments arise (from either party). Should any more evidence or actions be forthcoming that may affect the SAHPA Inc and/or it’s members, then the SAHPA Inc will re-convene this matter.

ALL MEMBERS/CLUBS - Please note: Due to a few membership disputes taking place within our Association, the SAHPA Inc. Management Committee has sought legal opinion on these issues and have been advised of their role in the first instance. The SAHPA Inc. Committee’s first priority with any dispute is to get the parties together in order to bring about reconciliation on the matter. The Management Committee’s role in such disputes can be slightly different depending on whether the club is incorporated or not. Hence, the importance of ALL CLUBS having to send to the General Secretary their Constitutions.  Advice as to whether or not, the CLUB is incorporated is also required. Please forward your constitutions to the General Secretary as soon as possible. The General Secretary will photocopy and return as needed.
Moved – Mr. I Durrant  2nd – Mr. K Pridham   CARRIED.

5.0 Business arising from the previous minutes:

5.1 Nockatunga National Distance Race – The Special Races Committee have advised the SAHPA that they will not be organizing the Nockatunga race as they have their own Olympic Special race from Canberra to arrange. The General Secretary will be forwarding a copy of all information on the race to each club for any interested flyers. NOTE:- Any flyer or club who would like to be the South Australian Co-ordinator for the Nockatunga event – please contact the General Secretary, Mike Pethick urgently. The General Secretary will not be coordinating this event due to time constraints and health. If any flyers wish to participate, then it is hoped that they will be able to help co-ordinate the SA arrangements. The General Secretary will provide contact details for interstate contacts and other arrangements as necessary.

5.2 Holbrook Event 14th October - The General Secretary is to contact Hampton Haulage to ascertain availability to transport the birds for this event. The SARPF will also be asked as to their availability to be the back up, in the event that insufficient numbers dictate a smaller unit being required. More information on the Holbrook race will be provided at a later date.

5.3 Marree Millenium Special – At this stage, we have received no expressions of interest for the transportation of the birds to Marree on the weekend of the 30th September. Any interested parties, persons are again encouraged to apply.

5.4 Future of Trustees – The General Secretary is still looking at the SAHPA Inc. Constitution to see if there is another way of dealing with this complex issue of not having Trustees and what (if any) replacements are required. In the interim period, the General Secretary will be completing the rule changes (up to and including the 2000 AGM) within our existing Blue book, with copies being forwarded to each club for the clubs members’ benefit. We will not be carrying out a major re-print of our current Blue book given the fact that the constitution may be in need of a review during the off-season. All SAHPA members will be provided with a list of proposed amendments, to read and consider in time for our next AGM in February 2001.

5.5 Code of Practice endorsement – At this point in time, the following clubs have not returned their endorsement paper:- Salisbury, Smithfield, Hyde Park, Peninsular North & South, West Torrens, Woodville, Campbelltown, Hampstead, North Suburban. The above Clubs are to send in, or hand deliver their endorsement paper to the General Secretary or to SAHPA Inc. Headquarters in time for the next Management Committee meeting which is due on Monday August 28th, 7.00pm sharp.


6.1 From Hampstead Club re – Re invitation to SAHPA Inc. Headquarters for the purpose of discussing the issue of Mr. Moukas’ application for membership. Please refer to Special Business Item 3.2

6.2 From Mr. C Moukas re - Re invitation to SAHPA Inc. Headquarters for the purpose of discussing the issue of the Hampstead Club’s refusing his application for membership. Please refer to Special Business Item 3.1

6.3 From the APFA Inc. re - Information on Mr. Jos Thone and possibilities of him adding Adelaide to his tour itinery. The APFA have advised the SAHPA that there is little chance of Mr. Thone coming to Adelaide due to a very tight itinery and little to time expand on that itinery. Action – General Secretary to refer the matter to the APFA State Director for his assistance and support in trying to get Mr. Thone to Adelaide. It is imperative that if we can squeeze in a visit to Adelaide, then all SAHPA clubs will need to support this initiative by getting the numbers down to the hall to hear Mr. Jos Thone speak. Mr. Thone is a very highly respected key-note speaker and is in Australia in December 2000 to speak at the Australian Pigeon Convention. More information will be available next week.

6.4 From Kadina Homing Club re – The club is experiencing difficulties with pigeons homing from Keith direction – they would like the SAHPA’s view on being able to release their birds independently from the rest. Action – General Secretary to reply to the club.

6.5 From Mr. W Moyle re - Holdbrook race and donation of $75 for trophy for the Holbrook race. Action – General Secretary to acknowledge receipt of letter of thanks, and to thank Mr. Moyle for his kind donation.

6.6 From Publicity Officer – Brenda Caesarowicz and the Lion’s Club re – possibilities of getting together for joint fundraising for Children’s charities. Action – General Secretary to copy proposal and provide to Management Committee members for their perusal. Referred to the next Committee Meeting.

6.7 From Russell Taylor re Collecting old pigeon rings – looking for donations (if any) from the SAHPA or its members. Action – General Secretary to provide a copy of the letter to the Gazette Editor.

6.8 From Convoyer re – Convoyer’s reports for Farina YBC, Keith 3 and The Twins. Copies available from the General Secretary. No further action required.

6.9 From Meister Belperio Clark (Solicitors) re – The request for Professional and Legal advice on constitutional and membership matters as requested by the Management Committee. Members are advised that the costs of provision of such advice amounted to $621.00.

6.10  From the Show Society re – Invoice for sponsorship for two awards at this year’s show. Action General Secretary to reply and remit payment.

7.0 CORRESPONDENCE OUT: Confirmed as letters written and sent.

8.1 Letter from Mr. P Beaumont re – a). Management Meeting at which Mr. Castle stood down from the meeting and matters pertaining to those events. b). Filling of the positions of Chairperson & Vice Chairperson as casual vacancies. Action – Mr. Terry Meekins to discuss with Mr. Beaumont, his concerns on the matter.

8.2 Royal Adelaide Show 2000 – The only interest shown in putting up a display at this year’s show, was from Jack Alldritt, thank you Jack for your offer. Jack is still keen to put together a display, despite there seemingly to be little interest from other SAHPA members. Accordingly, any interested persons, please ring Jack direct on 8276 4550 – he would be glad to hear from anyone.

8.3 Endorsement of SAHPA Inc. Code of Practice – 21 clubs have responded. Please refer to Business Arising item 5.5

8.4 RSPCA (Dr. Mark Peters) – Re Visit to SAHPA Headquarters. Dr Peters has confirmed his visit to SAHPA Headquarters on Monday 28th August 7pm. The SAHPA Inc. Management Committee will provide a brief report on his visit in the next set of minutes.

8.5 Interim Treasurer’s report/Additional Prizemoney for season 2000 – Due to lower freight receipts, as a result of a fall in bird numbers and other cost implications/influences, the Interim Treasurer has recommended that no additional prizemoney will be paid out this year. At the end of this season, the Management Committee will work with the Interim Treasurer on putting in a budget for next year. Additional prizemoney will be a consideration in the 2001 budget.

8.6 SAHPA Inc. Presentation function – At this stage, no thoughts or ideas have been expressed by any members for this year’s end of season function. Accordingly, the General Secretary will be planning an informal end of season Bar-b-que, possibly in conjunction with other sub-committees. More information will be provided as it comes to hand.


9.1 Re Memo’s from General Secretary –
“A request from the General Secretary to all Club Chairperson’s and Club Secretaries on the sending out of information from the General Secretary.

The General Secretary does not believe all the information is being read by all clubs. Some clubs are very slow to re-act to instructions and/or requests, in some instances a few clubs are denying any knowledge of the latest information. PLEASE READ EVERYTHING THAT COMES OUT FROM THE GENERAL SECRETARY! MAKE SURE YOUR LOADERS FOR EACH TRIP RETURN THE INFORMATION. From next week, the General Secretary will be sending out urgent memos, and Association Minutes to Club Secretaries via email and the post. This will ensure someone in authority receives this important information.
Any Club Secretary who wishes to receive Association minutes and other information via email, please contact the General Secretary at - merit@senet.com.au.
9.2 Winner Photographs – The Management Committee has approved Association winner photographs for pigeons obtaining FIRST prize in any Association race. Any flyer wishing to have his/her bird photographed, please contact Terry Castle on 82710323.

9.3 Country Clubs Freight for Association races – The General Secretary has sent a memo to all Affiliated clubs detailing country club freights for the remainder of season 2000. Any enquiries can be directed to the General Secretary.

9.4 Nockatunga Event SA coordinator – If anyone or club is interested in being the Nockatunga event SA Coordinator, please ring Mike on 82708198.

9.5 Clock results to Race Secretary – Use of prepaid envelopes. All groups should have received their package containing 10 prepaid postage envelopes and a sheet of address labels. This is designed to speed up delivery of the race results to the Race Secretary. The envelopes are postage paid, therefore they are to be posted in the mail to the address shown on the peel off label. Posting in the mail is required on the Monday or Tuesday following the race result. All Group Chairpersons will be asked to ensure this new system works! Please comply with the instructions as it will streamline and improve our efforts to declare the race sooner, rather than later. If a group has not received their package, please let the General Secretary know as soon as possible.

9.6 Marree Millenium Special – This SAHPA Inc. sponsored race will now be flown on Saturday 30 September. The entry fee is nil, hampering will be on Thursday 28th September, which is the hampering night for the Benalla race on the same weekend. The Birds will be transported on Thursday night, arriving at Marree on Friday afternoon. The release will be on Saturday morning. The SAHPA Inc. would like to thank Mr. Ian Durrant, who has kindly donated a $50 trophy for the race and a $50 cash prize. Further information can be obtained from the General Secretary.

9.7 Alice Springs Event – The Alice Springs event is still to be held on the 1st September (Friday release), hamper on Tuesday 29th August. $10 entry per bird. An itinery is enclosed in tonight’s information package.

9.8 Release of 3 Bird Special Events – Moved Mr. T Meekins, 2nd Mr. K Pridham, that in future, all three bird special events will be released after the main race has been released, not before.       CARRIED

10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING:  Monday 28th August  - 7pm start

11. MEETING CLOSED: 10.45pm