SAHPA Inc. Minutes of Management Committee Meeting held at Gepps Cross Headquarters, on Monday 3rd July 2000, 7.30pm

1. Open Meeting – 7.30pm  - Attendance – Messrs. M Pethick (A/g Chairman), Mr. T Meekins, Mr. P Paterson, Mr. R McIlduff, Mr. K Pridham, Mr. I Durrant and Mrs. C Myers (a/g General Secretary).

2. Apologies – Nil

Note: Order of Business changed to allow Mr. K Pridham to chair the Clock Chairman’s meeting at 7.30pm – Mr. Pridham to join the Management Meeting at 8.30pm. No Special and General Business items were heard until Mr. Pridham re-joined the meeting room.

3. Minutes of previous Meeting confirmed – Moved Mr. R McIlduff, 2nd P Paterson

4. Business Arising from previous minutes:

4.1 Re Interim Chairman – Mr. T Castle: The Management Committee would like to thank Mr. Terry Castle for his services as interim Chair. The SAHPA Committee appreciates very much, Terry helping the Association at a time when it needed help the most. With respect to the previous Management Meeting, the SAHPA Inc. Committee, sincerely expresses their regret for how things turned out in the lead up to Mr. Castle being asked to stand down. The Committee would like to put this issue behind them and get on with managing the affairs of the Association. Once again, thank you Terry for your valuable input over the past 4-5 months.

5.0 Correspondence In:
5.1 From Mr. T Burdon (Barossa Valley) re Use of a smaller show/life rings on Racing Pigeons. Mr. Burdon provided a sample of the rings used, and provided proof of Life ring transfer and acceptance of fees. Action – General Secretary to reply advising that the Management Committee is satisfied with the use of the rings as sent in by Mr. Burdon. Accordingly, Mr. Burdon has approval to use such rings and race his birds rung with such rings. Note: - The Management Committee will assess each case individually for any other flyer who wishes to use Life Show rings. Any flyer wishing to fly birds, which are rung with show rings, MUST apply for approval and send in a sample of the ring used.

5.2 From Mr. T Langsford re Race Program on web-site, confusing as the Kilmore races (2) and The Twins (2), are on separate weekends. Action – General Secretary has contacted Information Technology officer and program has now been corrected.

5.3 From Barossa Valley Club re Nomination of stewards under the Code of Practice – Messrs. L Smith, R Sommerville and T Burdon. The SAHPA Management Committee thanks the Barossa Club for their nominations.
Further nominations from other clubs are still required, please.

5.4 From Mr. D Hutchins re Inquiring if the SAHPA Inc. is interested in purchasing his “PIGEON” SA licence plate to go on the main unit. The yearly registration of the plate is approximately $150 per annum. Action – General Secretary to reply advising that the Committee is interested in finding out more information, as to transfer costs etc. before any decision is to be made.

5.5 From North Suburban club re – Provision of more information on the highly credentialled International flyer – Mr. Jos Thone. The North Suburban club has requested that the SAHPA make contact with the APFA for more details, and to invite Mr. Thone to South Australia as a guest speaker for all South Australian Flyers to hear and learn from.
Action – The General Secretary to follow up with a letter to the APFA on Mr. Thone’s fee and availability to come to South Australia. More information will be available, as it comes to hand.

5.6 From Mr. W Moyle re Changing of the race program and submission of results of survey. Action – General Secretary to forward a response to Mr. Moyle, on behalf of the Management Committee. The Committee is still firm despite Mr. Moyles’ efforts to gain support. The SAHPA Committee has not changed from their earlier responses to Mr. Moyle - the Official SAHPA Club and Aggregate points program has been set.

5.7 From Mr. I Durrant (Convoyer) re – Convoyer’s reports for Stirling North, Parachilna 1 and 2. Copies available from General Secretary.

5.8 From a SAHPA flyer re – a lost pigeon of his was recently reported as found and when received three weeks ago, the bird was wearing a race rubber. The flyer had lost the young bird 4 months ago and categorically states that he has not raced the bird. The flyer has requested the SAHPA to look into the incident as someone else has flown his bird in either the Carrieton or the Stirling Nth races. Action – The General Secretary to follow up with checks on various clubs’ “flyer nominations”. Could the following clubs, please forward their Carrieton and Stirling Nth flyer nominations to the General Secretary. Campbeltown, North East, Hyde Pk, Noarlunga, Woodville, Tea Tree Gully, Elizabeth & Payneham.
5.9 From Mr. T Rushton re – Following Mr. Castle not continuing on as Interim Chairman, Mr. Tom Rushton has advised the SAHPA that he is now in a position to offer his assistance to the Association. Mr. Rushton has applied for the position of Chairman for the remainder of 2000. Action – Refer to “Special Business Item 10.1”.

5.10 From Mr. D Thalbourne re – Following Mr. Castle not continuing on as Interim Chairman, Mr. David Thalbourne has also advised the SAHPA that he is in the position whereby he can assist the Association. Mr. Thalbourne has applied for the position of Chairman for the remainder of 2000. Action – Refer to “Special Business Item 10.1”

5.11 From Mr. Moukas re – return of Presentation tickets with a request for a refund. Action – General Secretary to reply and forward refund.

5.12 From the Happy Valley Club re – Advising the SAHPA of their actions and reason for, in terminating the membership of Messrs. RJ Hill and J Jarzabeck. Action – Hold papers pending any further correspondence.

5.13 From Mr. J Jarzabeck re – Lodgement of “Appeal” papers, against Happy Valley’s decision to terminate his membership. Fee paid. Also included was an application to join South Suburban club for the remainder of 2000.Action – General Secretary to respond and advise when the Appeal is to be heard. Temporary membership to the South Suburban club has been granted due to extenuating circumstances.

5.14 From Mr. RJ Hill re – Lodgement of “Appeal” papers, against Happy Valley’s decision to terminate his membership. Fee paid. Also included was an application to join South Suburban club for the remainder of 2000. Action – General Secretary to respond and advise when the Appeal is to be heard. Temporary membership to the South Suburban club has been granted due to extenuating circumstances.

7.0 CORRESPONDENCE OUT: Confirmed as letters written and sent. Moved – Mr. McIlduff  2nd – Mr. T Meekins  CARRIED


8.1 Special Meeting – Future of Trustees. Work is currently being done on the framing of a Notice of Motion on the above matter. The rule changes may be extensive and quite a deal of homework is required before a draft will be ready. The General Secretary will keep members advised.

8.2 Miscellaneous items pending –

a) Disbanding of Nyunga Club – Awaiting response from Mr. Hodgson

b) Certification of Feed quality – Awaiting certification.

c) Central Combine Group – Awaiting the drawing up of the lease for canteen. Action – General Secretary to urgently follow up.

d) Show Stall 2000 – General Secretary to seek interest from all SAHPA clubs for participation in. Memo to go out on Friday 14th July.

9.1 Additional Prize Money – Association Races: The Management Committee would like to do some more research on the financial affairs of the Association (this year’s performance) before committing to “additional prize money”. Action – Interim Treasurer to provide an overview of the financial situation at the next meeting which is due on Monday 24th July. A decision will then be made on any level of additional prizemoney. Moved – K Pridham, 2nd Mr. P Paterson   CARRIED

9.2 Vin Blanden Memorial Race – The Race is to be conducted on August 26th, the Coober Pedy Open. Each member is eligible to enter one (1) pigeon at the cost of $5.00. Nominations are to be made on the night of hampering for that race on the SAHPA Special Prize Nomination form, with the letters “VB” marked immediately after the ring number, in the ring number column of that form. Moved T Meekins, 2nd Mr. I Durrant      CARRIED.

9.3 SAHPA Inc. Aggregate Points Award (Jacket): - The Aggregate Points Award winner for season 2000, will again be awarded a jacket with an embroidered pocket similar to last seasons. Or if preferred by the winner, a $200 voucher will be presented.  Moved  Mr. P Paterson, 2nd Mr. R McIlduff       CARRIED

9.4 Annual Presentation:- The General Secretary is looking for ideas for this year’s Annual Presentation of Awards and Trophies. Written ideas are sought, whether it be for a Night time dinner, Day time Barb-b-q etc. Responses are required, please.

9.5 Year 2000 Life Ring Draw –
1. Payneham   2. Hampstead   3. Woodville
4. Happy Valley  5. Strathalbyn  6. North Suburban
7. Tea Tree Gully  8. Para   9. Craigmore
10. Adelaide Hills  11. Centrals   12. Smithfield
13. Millswood   14. North East   15. Peninsula  Clubs
16. Salisbury   17. Stirling   18. Noarlunga
19. Vitesse   20. Para Hills   21. South Suburban
22. Riverside    23. Hyde Pk   24. Barossa Valley
25. West Torrens  26. Campbelltown  27. Paralowrie
28. Southern Districts 29. Alexandra 30. Elizabeth      31. Glenelg
9.6 Ring Money Refund season 2000 – The ’99 Ring Money refund has been set at $16 per member (same as last year). Cheques will be in the bag for Friday night’s hampering (14th July). Moved – Mr. K Pridham, 2nd Mr. T Meekins.

9.7 Telephone Re-imbursements to “Clock reading centres” –  The Committee has decided on telephone re-imbursements for Clock Centres in season 2000. The reimbursement being $85 per center. Moved – Mr. P Paterson, 2nd Mr. K Pridham.       CARRIED

10.1 Appointment of SAHPA Inc. Chairman: - The General Secretary received two applications for the position of SAHPA Inc. Chairman for the remainder of season 2000. The Committee wishes to thank both applicants and would like to advise the members that both applicants would be worthy of the position of SAHPA Chairman. However, there can only be one and the Committee has gone with Mr. Tom Rushton to help steer the Association for the remainder of season 2000.

10.2 Hampstead Club / Con Moukas membership issue: - The SAHPA Inc. is still waiting for a response from our solicitor on the matter. The Committee will not be making any decision or going in any direction until qualified advice is received. Action – The General Secretary to follow up with a phone call to the solicitor, requesting an urgent response. The General Secretary is confident a response will be available by July 24th.

10.3 Appeal by Mr. J Jarzabeck against Happy Valley Club – The Committee has decided to hold the Appeals hearing on Monday 24th July at 9pm. This will give the Appeals Committee time to read all correspondence provided by all parties involved. Action – General Secretary to advise Messrs. Jarzabeck and Hill of time and date.

10.4 Appeal by Mr. RJ Hill against Happy Valley Club –  See 10.3

10.5 Marree Millenium Special Race: – Expressions of interest are required for the Transportation and Convoying to the Marree Special race at the end of the season. Please send details of quote/prices to the General Secretary. Closing date being 31st July 2000.

10.6 Computer generated Nomination sheets: - Following submissions from several flyers, the Committee has agreed in principle, to allowing computer generated “nomination sheets” to be used for SAHPA races. The computer sheets must contain the exact information, as on the current SAHPA nom forms and the sheets must have a piece of carbon paper between the top and second sheet. If the above information is strictly kept to, then flyers can use computer generated nomination sheets.

10.7 Step up ladders for loading platforms: - The SAHPA Management Committee is currently looking into supplying two step up ladders to help loaders climb onto the loading platforms. It is hoped to have these in place within two weeks.

10.8 Honour Board – SAHPA Hall:- Tenders are invited to supply and fit, a new Honour Board at the SAHPA Hall. The new board will be commissioned in honour of the late John Pryor and will be set up for our Alice Springs events. Ideas, quotes and prices to be forwarded to the General Secretary. To find out size and position, please make enquiries at the hall on Hampering night.

10.9 Super Toulet Clocks: - The Clock Chairman is asking all Club/Group Clock chairpersons to check that all Toulet clocks are set correctly. That is, the minute bar is set above the “00”. Please refer to previous minutes, if unsure, please ring the Clock Chairman – Mr. Ken Pridham.

10.10 Late Life ring transfers: - As stated in last week’s memo, Late life ring transfers will be accepted, however the price of each ring will be $5.00. All late transfers from now on must be paid at the window or sent to the General Secretary, with the appropriate ring transfer card. The General Secretary will receipt the transfer and pass it on to the Ring Secretary.

10.11 Release of birds to arrive earlier: - Following enquiries from some members, the Management Committee is more than happy with the times the Release Officer has been releasing the birds, and with their subsequent arrival into Adelaide. The Committee believes that the current times that the birds have made on arrival into Adelaide, best suits the birds welfare, and most flyers. There is no need for any adjustment.

11. Meeting Closed: -  11.40pm
12. Date of next Meeting: -  Monday 24th July