Minutes of the SAHPA Inc. Management Committee Meeting
Held at SAHPA Headquarters on Tuesday 5th March at 7.00 p.m.

1. Chairman opened meeting at 7.10 p.m.  Attendance:  D. Thalbourne,
C. Myers, T. Meekins, R. Fewings, P. Couzner, K. Pridham, R. Seedsman
J. Cock.

2. Apologies:  None

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting 6th February – Moved/Carried
 Minutes of 18th February Meeting – Moved/Carried

4.       Business Arising from Previous Meetings (6th Feb & 18th Feb):

4.1 Information re:-  Work-Cover Requirements of SAHPA prior to
  Making appointments regarding Health Risks etc.  ACTION:
Secretary to liaise with Work-Cover to discuss.

4.2 Response from C. Moukas re:  Winding up of Craigmore Club.
ACTION:  Matter to be held over.

4.3 Response from B. Bilecki – Gazette Article – ACTION:  J. Cock to
Approach B. Bilecki re:  solving this matter.

4.4 The Management Committee would like to thank Mr. Mike Pethick for
Work as Secretary for the SAHPA.

Business Arising from Previous Meetings – Moved/Carried

5.       Guest – Treasurer – M. Pethick
Balance Sheet tabled at meeting and explanation of Petty Cash, Profit and Loss Statement and the combining of Trustees Monies into Main Account.
Treasurer to give monthly report during Racing Season.


6.1 From Alan Agars – Re:  Registering Web-site Domain Name and
 payment of $88.00 fee.  ACTION:  Acknowledgement of Thanks.

6.2 From P. Squire – Junior Sub-Committee – Re:  Financial Statement.
ACTION:  To be discussed in General Business.

6.3 From P. Beaumont – Advising Office Bearers for the Southern Districts
Inv. Racing Pigeon Club for 2002.  Chairperson – G. Hurrell, Secretary – P. Beaumont, SARPF Inc Delegate – P. Beaumont.  ACTION:  Secretary to note.

6.4 From G. Paterson – Advising of his appointment as Secretary of the
Hampstead Club for 2002 – e-mail address and phone no.  ACTION:  Secretary to note.

6.5 From Tea Tree Gully Club – Advising of Office Bearers for 2002.
Chairperson – D. Hutchins, Secretary – K. Bowen, Treasurer – R. Drury
Publicity Officer – G. Ladegourdie.   ACTION:  Secretary to note.

6.6 From Payneham Inv. Homing Pigeon Club – Advising of Office Bearers
For 2002.  Chairman/Treasurer – G. Lobb, Secretary/ Publicity Officer – S. Szabo.  ACTION:  Secretary to note.

Payneham Club Request Approval to race Sires Produce in conjunction with Farina Y.B.C. – 3rd August 2002.  ACTION:  Request for Sires Produce Race on the 3rd August has been approved.

6.7 From Nth. Suburban Homing Pigeon Club – Advising of Office Bearers
For 2002.  Chairman – G. Watson, Secretary/Treasurer – G. Cawte.  ACTION:  Secretary to note.

6.8 From Alexandra Inv. Homing Pigeon Club – Advice on capacity of
Computer.  ACTION:  Secretary to file with other returns.

6.9 From Mark Peters R.S.P.C.A. – Letter regarding $10.00 holding fee
Payment for return of lost bird to it’s owner.  ACTION:  Secretary to reply to Mark Peters, with Ring Secretary’s Name & Contact No. so that lost & injured birds can be collected in line with SAHPA procedures.

6.10 A.P.F.A. fees paid by S.A. Szabo, R. Laan, B. Van Elsen, all
Campbelltown Club Members.  ACTION:  Treasurer to forward Names and payment to A.P.F.A. Rep.

6.11 Computer distance block plans from:  F. Fiorilli, B. Baulk & P. Friend, M. Lussetich, P. Overall, B. Van Elsen, C. Heyer, H. Dart.

6.12 Davoren Park Club Member List – One Flyer.  ACTION:  Secretary to
Reply to Ken Wait in response to flying on his own is approved for Club Races only, alternative arrangements to be made for Group & SAHPA Races.

6.13 Club Membership Lists received from:  Vitesse, Smithfield, Happy
Valley, Para, Salisbury, Southern Vales, Gawler River, Alexandra, Payneham, Campbelltown, Strathalbyn, South Suburban, Millswood, Elizabeth, Barossa Valley, Hampstead, Hyde Park, North Suburban, Tea Tree Gully.  Affilliate Clubs:  Murray Bridge, Clare.  Juniors:  Southern Vales, Strathalbyn, Hampstead.  ACTION:  Secretary to note.

6.14 From K. Wait – Application for Race Adjudicator for 2002 Season.
ACTION:  Secretary to file with other applicants.

6.15 From R. Sims – Application for Unit Loader or 2002 Season, with name
Of another interested person if required.  ACTION:  Secretary to file with other applicants.

6.16 Adelaide Pigeon Club – Reply from B. Fretter.  ACTION:  Secretary to
Reply with letter of thank-you for clarification and asking him to keep Management Committee informed as to ongoing business.

6.17 Letter from Maurice Clark regarding reading of Minutes at the A.G.M.
ACTION:  Secretary to reply with letter of thanks.  It has been approved that the A.G.M. minutes will only be confirmed as circulated at the next A.G.M.  Copies of A.G.M. minutes will be present for any Member who may be in need of them on the night.

6.18 From P. Trezeciak – Application for Race Adjudicator for 2002 Season.
ACTION:  Secretary to file with other applicants.

6.19 Letter from R. Billing dated 5.3.02 with more specific information
Regarding 2 Bird Special.  ACTION:  2 Bird Special Approved.


7.1 To the Olde Copier Shop – Confirmation of Supply and Delivery of
 Photocopier to Salisbury Downs.

7.2 To Work-Cover – Questioning Work-Cover requirements for
Honorarium positions within the SAHPA.

7.3 To Mr. M. Windler – Acknowledging that the Blue Transporter Unit is
Not for sale.

7.4 To Mr. C. Moukas – Asking for more specific information as to the
Winding down and closure of the Craigmore Club – response required by the 4th March 2002.  ACTION:  Held over until next meeting.

7.5 To Mr. R. Billing – Thanking him for his suggested Two (2) Bird Special
Format, requesting a step by step plan from start to finish, so that the Committee can make a more informed decision.

7.6 To Mr. Bill Bilecki – Requesting his letter of reply as to his article which
Was listed in the Gazette towards the end of 2001.  ACTION:  See  4.3.


8.1       Craigmore Club – ACTION:  Held over.

8.2 Appointments of SAHPA Positions:
GAZETTE EDITOR -  Brenda Caesarowicz
Management Committee recommend that the Gazette proceed with the right to review every three (3) months.
RING SECRETARY -  Mr. & Mrs R. Billing

Remaining Positions still to be decided


9.1 Juniors – Financial Statement was approved.  D. Thalbourne to liaise
 with P. Squire, in regards to gaining more Publicity in an effort to
 increase our Junior Membership.  It is asked that all Members think
 seriously of any ideas or suggestions they might have to help attract more
 Juniors into our ranks.  The Committee would also like to thank the
 Efforts of the Junior Committee.

9.2 Electronic Timing System – It was felt there should be more
Communication with Members with regards to the Electronic Timing System.  T. Meekins to communicate with Members through the Magazine.

9.3 Davoren Park Pigeon Club – The formation of the Davoren Park Pigeon
Club, and the noting of Mr. K. Wait as the only Flyer for the 2002 Season with Names of Social Members.

9.4 FREIGHT TENDER 2002 – Freight Tenders are now invited for all
Races for Season 2002.  Tender Submissions are to be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked “Tender for S.A.H.P.A. Transportation” and to be forwarded to – 31 Meath Ave, Salisbury Downs.  S.A.  5108. – Tenders close 31st March, 2002.
EXPRESSION OF INTEREST 2002 – Required for Stand-by or Back-up Unit for Season 2002, please forward submission to the above address.


(A) Race Program Changes – Discussion took place as to have two (2) extra
Races for 2002 Season.  It was decided that the Little Topar Race on September 21st would be replaced with Emmdale.  A Race from Gilgandra will be scheduled for Release on Saturday October 12th and a Race from Little Topar to be Released on Sunday October 13th.

(B) The Committee are of the opinion that the Current Lines of Flight shall
Remain the same for a period of three (3) years.

(C) Static Strap to be fitted to Transport Unit.

(D) Special Races – It was agreed that Special Races have separate set of Points from Open Events.

DATE OF NEXT MEETING:    Tuesday 19th March – 7.00 p.m.

MEETING CLOSED:    11.00 p.m.