Minutes of the S.A.H.P.A. Inc. Management Committee Meeting Held at the S.A.H.P.A. Headquarters Monday 14th April 2008



1.   Chairperson opened meeting at:    7.30pm       Attendance: Mr D. Thalbourne(Chairperson), Mr.G Hamilton, Mr W.Moyle ,Mr K.Pridham, Mr D.Walker, Mr G Watson, Mrs C.Myers. Mr D.Cawte Treasurer.


2. Apologies:   Nil



3. Minutes of previous Meeting:            Carried





·        Mr G.Watson still seeking prices and information for satellite phone


·        Mr G,Watson  received quote for respraying of race unit.


·        Multiple Lofts: The maximum allowed is 25 metres apart for the electronic pads with the GPS reading in the middle of the sensor (12.5) metres.


Moved    K.Pridham    Sec: G.Hamilton  Carried







   Mr G.Harris was an invited guest to discuss the southern training unit and there plans for the coming season to keep this service going.

      The southern fed. Unit will be training on Sundays and Wednesdays and will be picking up at points as nominated on the program which will be distributed with the news letter.

      Training will be available for all S.A.H.P.A. flyers, to keep this service going we are hoping all flyers will support the federation unit.





Read. Carried.






1.      Convoyer: Mr R.Billings has been appointed for the season 2008.




2.      Headquarters Cleaner: Maureen Coleria has been appointed for the season 2008.



3.      Release Panel:    The release panel will be Mr G. Hamilton, Mr J.Hofman and Mr R.Somerville for the season 2008.



4.      Unit Loader:  We are still looking for one unit loader.






1.Email from Mrs Maureen Coleiro-   RE: Position of headquarters cleaning


2.Letter from Geoff Verrall secretary of Port Adelaide pigeon club:                     Regarding discussion around hampering centers at s.a.h.p.a headquarters.

Action:  Ken Pridham expressed Port Adelaide’s view to the S.A.H.P.A. helping clubs that have trouble maintaining the club rooms that they are in at the moment.  In the future the management committee may look at erecting a shed in the grounds at Baulderstone Rd to be made available. Cheryl to look for quotes for shed.



The S.A.H.P.A. hall will be made available to members who have trouble finding six competing in there club for association racing.

Please notify the General Secretary the week before.                                                                                   


3.Letter from Para Club re:  office bearers for the 2008 season.


   Secretary: Lindsay Smith    Treasurer : Fae King   Chairman: Scott    Carpenter.


4. Pigeon Vaccination Forms:   Received from Smithfield,Happy Valley.



5.      Alan Agar :  Bringing to the attention of the committee that he will be away for 6 weeks beginning 20th April.


Action:    Arrangements have been made for G.Watsons son to look after the website for this period, any announcements email beerlust@bigpond.com



6.      Minutes from meeting: 26th September 2008 and Thursday 27th March 2008: Special Races Committee.





7.      Office of Consumer and Business Affairs:  Re: Change in public officer particulars.ACTION:Secretary to file


8.      Letter from Mr J Hofman :   Application for release panel position.  


9. Fax from Mr R Somerville:    Application for release panel position.    


10.Minutes from the Promotions committee: Held on 26th March 2008.

·        Mr G.Watson is to organize traps for hire to help eradicate feral pigeons

Moved : G.Watson                                    Carried : K.Pridham





11. Craig Arthur re: Quote for complete respray of the trailer .

New numbers and lettering.


 Action:  The unit has been sent off for a complete respray in white and will be back in a couple of weeks.


12. I.R. YEING PTY LTD:    Cartage Tender for the season 2008.

Mr Yeings quote for $1.70 per kilometre has been accepted.


13. GLENELG RE 10 BIRD RACING:   Their concern over 10 bird racing on the training unit .The decision was made to put the 10 bird races on the main unit to save costs. They will be on the main unit with the derby birds.


14. DAVID WALKER RE SHORT DISTANCE CLUB COMMITTEE:  David Walker,Bill Bilecki and Tom Tirrell.

                        Moved: K.Pridham                                    Second : G.Hamilton




1.Fax Magill Grain store re: Tender for pigeon mix and barley straw for racing season 2008.


2.Letter to Gilbertsons Fodder re: Tender for pigeon mix and barley straw for racing seaon 2008.



3. Letters to Mr S Roberts and Mr L Abbott regarding clock rules for e.t.s  systems.


4. Letter to  Mr P Aneric : reply to Mr Anerics request for a meeting with management committee.


5.Letter to Hyde Park re: The induction of Bing Moyle to the wall of fame.


6. Letter to  Mr D Schwarz:  Application for training unit/tossing unit driver was successful for the season 2008.


7.Letter to B Markou : Application for unit cleaner was successful for the season 2008.


8.Letter to Mr G.Nimmo : Application for unit cleaner the season 2008 was successful.


9. Letter to Mr G.Cawte: Application for race adjudicator and unit loader for the season 2008 was successful.


10.Letter to the Nth. Sub club re: E.T.S. SYSTEMS Clubs to check their own scanner positions re the rules.








Friday night hampering will apply for Stirling North,Peterborough Bookaloo and Yunta.

22 Birds per hamper-66 birds per bay.


The remaining races will be hampered on Thursday nights.


Pimba and Olary

30 birds per hamper.


Little Topar,Glendambo,Emmdale and The Twins

27 birds per hamper


Marla,CooberPedy and Nyngan

20 birds per hamper




                        Stirling North, Peterborough, Bookaloo

                        Yunta,Pimba, Olary                                        $1.00 per  bird


                        Little Topar, The Twins, Emmdale.              $1.20 per bird


                        Glendambo                                                    $1.20 per bird


                        Cobar                                                                   $1.70 per bird


                        Coober Pedy                                                 $ 1. 70per bird


                        Marla, Nyngan                                                   $3.00 per bird


                        Two bird special races                                  $2,50 per bird    


3.  WALL OF FAME:   There will only be a maximum of 2 inductees to the wall of     fame per year .The set criteria is available from the General Secretary.


            4. LIFE RINGS: There is concerns over rings with chips from members G.Hamilton to follow up.




11. MEETING CLOSED:  11.25pm



12.  DATE OF NEXT MEETING    13th May 2008.