Minutes of the SAHPA Inc. Management Committee Meeting,
held at SAHPA Headquarters on Tuesday 13th NOVEMBER at 7.00pm

1. Chairman opened meeting at  7.15pm   Attendance…. Mr. D Thalbourne (Chairman), Mr. T Meekins, Mr. J Cock, Mr. R McIlduff, Mr. J Nisbet (Vice Chair), Mr. K Pridham, Mr. P Couzner, Mrs. C Myers (Assist Sec.), Mr. M Pethick (Gen. Sec).

2. Apologies –  Nil

3. Minutes of previous meeting confirmed – Moved Mr. R McIlduff, 2nd Mr Cock  CARRIED:

4. Business Arising from previous meeting – Nil

5. Correspondence In:
5.1 From Mr. G Paterson re Information provided to Mr. Paterson from experienced Broken Hill flyers re dangers of releasing birds from Yunta. Predation etc. Action – The SAHPA Committee wish to commend Mr. Paterson for passing on valuable constructive information about possible release points. It was moved by Mr. T Meekins and 2nd by Mr. J Cock, that 2 of the Committee investigate the information and visit the early release points to ascertain the surroundings, environment and look for possible alternative release points in the early club races. CARRIED: A report will be made available at the next meeting.

5.2 From Mr. K Wait re Winding up and cleaning out of Craigmore clubrooms. Action – General Secretary to reply.

5.3 From Mr. P Beaumont re Confusion over minutes, Management decisions, concerns over General Secretaries request for review of Honorarium and other issues. Action – The SAHPA has noted Mr. Beaumont’s views on the matters contained within his correspondence.

5.4 From Elizabeth BBRPC re Return of information re Computer used by club. Action – The General Secretary to compile a list of returns and make available at a later date when such information is required.

5.5 From Adelaide Hill RPC re Concern over club race points, requesting permission to race own club races but still qualify for Little Topar SAD. Action – General Secretary to reply advising that the club is free to run their own club races as requested, however the Committee will not allow birds flown in non SAHPA club races to qualify for the SAD in 2002. Further, the Committee has committed to investigating the races points of concern with a view to finding an alternative/s release point/s. The Committee has asked that the Hills Club to support the SAHPA program as listed in previous correspondence, given the above information.
5.6 From ASX Transfer Corporation re Release of securities from Options cover. Action – Treasurer to file with other records for Auditor’s check in December 2001.

5.7 From Mr. R Caesarowicz re request amendments to the 2002 program to include two double-header races. Action – General Secretary to reply advising that despite the Committee discussing the suggested changes, they will not be changing the structure of the program at this point in time. The Committee wishes to thank Mr. Caesarowicz for his suggestions.

5.8 From Mr. R Caesarowicz re Applying for position of General Secretary on the current Honorarium being paid. And if needed application for Treasurer’s position. Action – General Secretary to hold on file for when Applications are called.

5.9 Block Plan from Mr. B Moores – General Secretary to hold on file until actions are required in the new-year.

5.10 From Pt Pirie and Murray Bridge clubs re Country Life Ring orders – Action – Treasurer to hold pending closing dates, then to submit order for Life Rings to Belgium in early December.

5.11 From Mr. Bilecki re advising of change of postal address. Action – General Secretary to note records accordingly.

5.12 From West Torrens club re advising that West Torrens has no Computer. – Action – General Secretary to file with other club records until such information is required.

5.13 From Julie (Interstate) re Enquiring if anyone knows about Mr. Ken Shillabeer (former Pigeon racer) from in and around Croydon. Action – General Secretary to forward to Gazette Editor.

5.14 From Information Technology re Advice on price to replace booster for TV in HQ hall. Action – Treasurer to liaise with Alan Agar to forward payment for purchase of booster.

6.0 Correspondence Out –
6.1 Email to Publicity Officer re Van Breeman visit
6.2 Letter to Adelaide Hills club re response to letter concerning lines of flight interpretations.
6.3 Letter to Office of Consumer Affairs re rule changes to Association constitution.
6.4 To Salisbury Club re Change of control over Salisbury Phone account.

7.0 Matters Held Over:
7.1 Code of Practice review: Resubmit to next meeting – General Secretary to finalise typing of up-dated Code of Practice:

7.2 Adelaide Pigeon Club (Affiliation with SAHPA and Up-date): Visit from Adelaide Pigeon Club (Mr. Tim Fawcett) to discuss Affiliation application. Mr. Fawcett advised the SAHPA Committee on the up-to-date information on the Club, including plans being in progress for typing up of Rules and intention to apply for Affiliation with the SAHPA in 2002. The General Secretary advised Mr. Fawcett of the requirements for successful application as an affiliate club and fees for same. The Committee wishes to thank Mr. Fawcett for attending the meeting.

7.3 Convoyer’s Report – season 2002 final: Mr. Ian Durrant attended to give the Management Committee an overview of the 2001 season. Mr. Durrant advised the Committee of the following: -
  a) Repairs & Maintenance on the unit is required prior to next season start, in particular
 (Electrical work, repairs in corridor, rivets, screws, wire fronts. Action – Any members who may be able to assist are asked to submit a tender for such work. Enquiries can be made to the General Secretary on 82708198
b) Heat in and around the Unit – Mr. Durrant suggested the Association look into monitoring the air temperature in and around the Unit, where appropriate look at ways to try and moderate the air temperature.
c) Thursday V Friday hampering – Mr. Durrant suggested that any races over 400kms should all be Thursday night hampering. This gives the young birds a chance to settle better, which could improve get-aways.
d) Release/Convoyer – Review the Release guidelines for season 2002.
The General Secretary (on behalf of the SAHPA Management Committee and members) would like to sincerely thank Mr. Ian Durrant for stepping in at short notice and for finishing the job of SAHPA Convoyer in season 2001.

7.4 General Secretary’s request for Honorarium review: The General Secretary requested that his letter seeking a review on the Honorarium be withdrawn. The Chairman allowed the letter to be withdrawn. The Committee moved that the Treasurer be re-imbursed for out-of-pocket expenses for season 2001 (ie. Travel to HQ for Hamper nights). The Treasurer be paid an amount of $260.00 Moved Mr. K Pridham, 2nd Mr. T Meekins CARRIED:

Further – The General Secretary advised the Committee that at this point in time, he would not be re-applying for the position due to time constraints, however Mr. Pethick has indicated he will be applying for the position of Treasurer in season 2002.

7.5 Letter from Fred Smith re Refund for Sires Produce birds: The General Secretary advised the SAHPA Committee that the Special Races Committee had sent a reply to Mr. Smith concerning his application for refund. In short – the SRC has denied Mr. Smith a refund.

8.1 Treasurer’s Report October 2001: The Treasurer provided the Committee with an up-date on the Financial Accounts as at end of October 2001. The Treasurer moved that the report be accepted, 2nd by Mr. K Pridham CARRIED:
8.2 Management Committee Vacancies: The General Secretary advised that at the time of the meeting (13th November), no application had been received for the Western Electorate and the Southern Electorate. An expression of interest had been received from the East Electorate and the Hills Electorate.
8.2a Chairman & Vice Chair vacancies: The General Secretary is now calling for applications from interested persons for the important positions of Association Chairperson and Vice Chairperson. In line with the new rule change (Feb 01), these positions will be voted on by the SAHPA membership. Applications close on Monday 31st December 2001: Applications to PO BOX 364 FLAGSTAFF HILL SA 5159.
8.3 SAHPA Officer Bearer positions: In accordance with SAHPA rules, nominations are now called for the following positions: - General Secretary, Assistant Secretary,  Treasurer and Ring Secretary. Nominations must be in the hands of the General Secretary by Friday January 18th, 2002. A list of the General Secretary’s duties is available by phoning 82708198. All other duties and honorariums will be discussed with the Management Committee and the Treasurer, at a later date. Applications to PO BOX 364 FLAGSTAFF HILL SA 5159.

8.4 Notices of Motion AGM – Management Committee proposed: Members are advised that the Management Committee are currently working on a few Rule Changes for season 2002. A list will be provided at the time Club notices are made available.

8.5 Notices of Motion AGM – Club proposed: Club Secretary’s are advised that the closing time for any Club proposed Rule and/or By-Law changes is December 31, 2001. Please ensure that the relevant Rule/By-Law number requiring change, deletion or new, needs to be on the letter advising the Notice of Motion. Other details also required are the date of the club meeting, the resolution proposed by the club members and that the resolution/s were passed by a majority of the members. If possible, a copy of the minutes enclosed. All correspondence to PO BOX 364 FLAGSTAFF HILL SA 5159.

8.6 Positions with the SAHPA Inc.: Applications are now called, for the following positions: - Race Adjudicator, SAHPA Convoyer, Release Officer, Publicity Officer, Transport Loading Stewards, Unit Cleaners (2), Clock Chairperson, Gazette Editor (note: Mr. Tim Fawcett will not be re-applying in season 2002),  Website Manager, Computer Systems Administrator. Note the position of Computer Systems Administrator will be a newly appointed position (replacing Information Technology and Computer Operator/Programmer positions), of which the Honorarium and the duties to be discussed with any interested persons, by the Management Committee in February/March 2002:
All the above positions’ duties and Honorariums will be discussed at a later date. Applications close on February 15th 2002.  Applications to be sent to PO BOX 364 FLAGSTAFF HILL SA 5159.
8.7 Recorded Message Off-Season: The SAHPA General Enquiry line (82623856) has been re-directed to the Publicity Officer’s phone for the duration of the Off-season. This is done to ensure public contact with the Association is maintained. A recorded message advising of contact phone numbers within the Association will be available to the General Public.

8.8 Sires Produce – Hire of Hall: Members please note that the Sires Produce day will be held on Sunday 2nd December.

8.9 SAHPA Presentation night held 10th November: The SAHPA Management Committee is proud to advise all members that the end of season function held on Saturday 10th November, was a great success. Our sincerest thanks to Cheryl Myers for organising a great night. The SAHPA Committee looks forward another such function next year.

8.10 Club Constitutions – Changes to between now and next season: Club secretaries are reminded that any changes made in the off-season to club constitutions, must be forwarded to the General Secretary as soon as practicable after the Club’s AGM.

8.11 Junior Presentation day: Members are advised that the Junior Presentation is to be held at the Sires Produce day on Sunday 2nd December.

9.0 Date of Next Meeting – Tuesday 4th December, 7pm.

10.0 Meeting Closed – 11.10pm